I dreamed a dream exhibition, Chapter 1

I dreamed a dream exhibition

I dreamed a dream exhibition, Chapter 1

Venice 30.11.2019 – 07.03.2020. Curated by Domenico De Chirico. Marignana Art Gallery.

Poetry in matter
Poetry that slips into the folds of the image seeking to grasp unwritten meanings. There are countless
examples in History in which poetry and visual art interchanged winks. We just need to drop by the Peggy
Guggenheim Collection in Venice to experience the emotion of this approach, or become absorbed in
Giorgio de Chirico’s verses to enjoy the flirtation these winks led to.
But after all the sympathy between these two languages of Art is an unexplored territory where instead of
cartographers and geographers we run into pioneers, perhaps slightly mad.
With the extraordinary foresight of the Marignana Arte Gallery – with its genuine openness to
experimentation it displays the most wonderful aspect of Art – we decided to don this garb and sail these
experimental seas where billows of painting and flows of poetry merge.
From this viewpoint the exhibition “I dreamed a dream” is a first step. Each work is escorted by a few verses
whereby I sought to explore what lies behind the inclinations and specificities of each artwork. You can like
them or not, feel emotion or be left puzzled, but each word is the fruit of a commitment to explore the poetics
of the artists on exhibit.
I wish to personally thank with all my heart each of the artists who lent themselves to sharing this moment of
closeness and allowed me the privilege of accompanying their works with my verses.

Artists I have collaborated with:

Giuseppe Adamo

Stijn Ank

Mats Bergquist

Nancy Genn

Sophie Ko

Artur Lescher

Túlio Pinto

Anne Laure Sacriste

Antonio Scaccabarozzi

Verónica Vázquez


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