Paolo Gambi is a professional writer, former mental coach and award winning journalist.
He worked in Italy, UK, Switzerland, Monaco and Malta.
He wrote 28 books, published by major publishers and translated into 5 languages, and sold more than 100.000 copies.
He taught Theories and Techniques of Communication both in Italy and Switzerland.
As a mental coach he coached famous businessmen, artists, and has been remarkably appreciated by tennis players of the ATP and WTA circuit.
He left his job to concentrate on poetry.
As a poet he works with some of the most important contemporary visual artists of the world. He is now collaborating with an international art gallery in Venice, Marignana Arte.
2013 Bachelor of Psychology, University of Bologna-Cesena
2011 Post graduate Master in Neuro-Semantics with Prof. Michael L.Hall, Ph.D., International Institute of Neuro-Semantics
2007 –Post-graduate course in journalism, Pontifical Lateran University, Rome.
2003-2006: PhD in Canon Law and Law and Religion in comparative perspective, University of Macerata
2004 – Fellowship at the Acton Institute, Michigan, USA
1999- 2003 Degree in Law, University of Bologna. Mark: 110\110 cum laude.
Mother tongue: Italian
Other languages: fluent English (I have studied, regularly written for British magazines, taken conferences in English), minimal German and Spanish
Summary of Professional skills and/or expertise
Field of expertise: writing, journalism (both written and tv), blogging, teaching, communication, public speaking, mental coaching, emotional coaching, motivation, networking, psychology, Law and Religion.
Summary of relevant work experience
2019 – Contributor of italiani.it
2018 – Blogger at Il Giornale (www.ilgiornale.it)
2017 – Writing lecturer of Law and Ethics of art and communication at Maltese university MCAST
2016 – Editor of the magazine “Sonoromagnolo” (www.sonoromagnolo.it)
2014 – 2016 – Mental Coach at Italian Tennis Federation and at San Marino Tennis Academy
2012 to present – Professional Mental Coach
2012-2014 – Invited Professor of Communication (Theories and Ethics of Communication) at the Superior Institute for Religious Studies, Forlì, Italy
2013 Invited Professor of Religious Communication at Professor Maurizio Viroli’s chair, Università della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano, Switzerland
2012 to present – Blogger of Huffingtonpost (Italy and UK)
2009 to present – Contributor of many magazines: Stop and Vero, Italian gossip magazines, BMM, Italian fashion magazine, Chocolate and Rendezvous, Khazakhistan fashion magazines.
2008 to present – organizer of many cultural events: “BBK un mare di libri” (beach bookfest, Ravenna), fiera del libro di Cervia (bookfest, Cervia), il salotto di Milano Marittima (cultural meetings, Milano Marittima)
2008 – Co-founder of the monthly paper “Europaitalia”, San Marino.
2005 to present – contributing editor of The Catholic Herald, London
2004-2013 – Employed as a journalist and columnist in a full time job at “La Voce di Romagna”, Ravenna.
2004 – Work experience at the Financial Times, London.
2004 to present – Frequent appearances in Italian tv
2003 – Teaching assistant of Canon Law, University of Bologna.
2003 – Contributor of the newspaper “Il Giornale”, Roma.
More than 20 books published by major publishers and more than 100.000 copies sold. Complete list here: www.paologambi.com/libri
Among them:
2017 A knight’s caress, Amazon self-publishing
2017 A thorn in your skull, Amazon self-publishing
2016 “Un mestiere del diavolo” (Paolo Gambi interviews former IOR (Vatican Bank) President Ettore Gotti Tedeschi
2015 “Giacomo Casanova: manuale per non finire tra le braccia di un come me”, Giubilei e Regnani editore (a self help book for women to find the right man).
2014 – “Smettila e sii felice”, Sperling&Kupfer (Italian best seller about personal development).
2013 “Le Ragioni dell’altro”, with Alessandro Cecchi Paone, Piemme, Mondadori Group (a dialogue between a believer and a non-believer).
2012 – “Padre Pio, un Santo italiano”, Guido Veneziani publisher (a bestseller biography of St. Pius da Pietrelcina).
2012 – “Il gusto della vita”, with Cardinal Tonini, Piemme, Mondadori Group (I am Cardinal Tonini’s biographer and this is his only authorized biography).
2012 – “Quello che i preti non dicono (più) – Duemila anni di linguaggio anticlericale nelle parole dei santi”, Fede e Cultura (a book about anticlerical language of Saints and mystics along history).
2011 – “Ho seguito il mio Maestro”, with Prof. Alessandro Meluzzi, Piemme, Mondadori Group (A book about personal development and spirituality).
2010 – “Ho visto e ho creduto”, with Prof. Alessandro Meluzzi, Piemme, Mondadori Group (A book about personal development and spirituality).
2009 – “L’infinito mi ha cercato” with Prof. Alessandro Meluzzi, Piemme, Mondadori Group (a biography of prof. Meluzzi).
2009 – “La ragione della speranza”, with Cardinal Ersilio Tonini, Piemme, Mondadori Group.
2008 – “San Pier Damiani, un romagnolo contento ne’ pensier contemplativi”, La Voce publisher, Rimini (a biography of St. Peter Damian).
2008 – “Democristiani a San Marino – Una storia di libertà”, La Voce publisher, San Marino (a history of the main Saint Marin political party).
2008 – “Profezie per l’ottimismo”, with Cardinal Ersilio Tonini, Piemme, Mondadori Group.
2008 –“Massoneria: una nuova primavera”, Gangemi publishing, (a book about Freemasonry in Italy), translated into English in 2011 with the title “What is Freemasonry”.
2007 – “I vip parlano di Dio”, Piemme, Mondadori Group (a collection of interviews to celebrities who speak about their relation to spirituality).
2005 – “The Universal Hunger for Liberty”, by prof. Michael Novak (translator), Liberal publisher.
2004 – Cavalleria e Nobiltà nell’Ordinamento Canonico vigente, cenni minimi, published in Apollinaris, 3-4, 2004
2004 – “La Soberana Militar Orden de Malta en el orden jurìdico eclesial y internacional” published in Ius Canonicum, Pamplona.
2019 – Loris Malaguzzi poetry award
2018 – San Domenichino award (one of the most illustrious Italian literary awards)
2016 Rimini-Europa “Diploma d’Onore” award (biennial culture award).
2016 Paul Harris Fellow and President founder of Rotary e-club “Romagna”.
2014 Appointed “Testimonial of Italian Culture Month in Principality of Monaco” by Italian Ambassador.
2012 – Winner of “Guidarello” journalistic award (2nd most important Italian journalistic award)
2003 – Knight of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George
Paolo Gambi