Every day I dedicate all my energy to building the foundations of a future of Beauty, trying to be true to my motto ‘poetry everywhere’.
I am doing my part to create the ‘postcontemporary’, outside the logic of the market, far from the goal of profit, with the sincerity of one who thinks art is SACRED.

I have introduced hundreds of people into poetic practice as a tool for personal growth
I donate works to public institutions to carve out spaces for poetry and beauty

I contribute my research to bring Art to a postcontemporary light
I founded and chair Poetry Renaissance, one of the leading poetry networks in Italy

I could have commercialised all this, I chose the logic of the gift.
All this has costs: material, travel, time, energy. Now you have the opportunity to participate in this project of mine. You can contribute your verse.
Donate what you can and want to support the path of Beauty into the future. It only takes a few clicks to make a difference
Benefits for donors
- Every night you will go to sleep with the satisfaction of having contributed to a future of light and beauty
- You will have my personal and sincere gratitude
- Medium donors will be able to participate in my online poetry workshops
- Major donors will be able to participate in an exclusive monthly meeting