Welcome to Paolo Gambi’s world, where poetry and art converge to create transformative experiences.
Paolo Gambi is a renowned post-contemporary multimedia artist, poet, and performer, celebrated for his innovative approach to blending various artistic mediums.
As a leading expert in ecphrastic poetry, Paolo has pioneered the fusion of poetry with visual art, from bodypainting to mosaic installations, from sculpture to audiovisual. His unique ability to craft poems within the material itself has earned him international acclaim.
Notably, Paolo is among the first artists worldwide to delve into the realm of NFT poetry, with his works being featured in prestigious projects, including a selection by Stanford University. He was one of the first Europeans to deal with poetry and artificial intelligence.
With a degree in law, a degree in psychology and one from the Academy of Fine Arts, and a PhD in historical-legal subjects, he has lectured at universities in Italy, Switzerland and Malta.
He founded and directs two poetry prizes, the most important Italian ecphrastic poetry prize in Venice, together with the Bevilacqua La Masa Foundation, and the international Dante Laurel Prize at the tomb of the Supreme Poet in Ravenna. In 2024, he crowned Nobel laureate Jon Fosse with the Laurel.
At the helm of Rinascimento Poetico (Poetry Renaissance), Paolo spearheads a global poetry network aimed at democratizing poetic expression. Through Rinascimento Poetico, he empowers individuals from diverse backgrounds to discover their voice through poetry, transcending barriers of culture, gender, and ideology.
Paolo’s impact extends beyond the literary realm. He has initiated thousands into the practice of poetry, fostering personal growth and civic engagement among communities worldwide.
As a prolific author, Paolo has published over thirty books, many in collaboration with esteemed publishers like the Mondadori Group. His art delves into the mysteries of language, psychology, and technology, offering a profound exploration of the human experience.
Recognized with numerous awards, including the José Rizal Heritage Award (Switzerland) and Perspektif Kültür (Turkey), Paolo’s contributions to the cultural landscape have been widely celebrated. He has been honored as a cultural ambassador along the Silk Road and is a distinguished Academician of prestigious institutions like the Incamminati and the Studium Accademia di Casale e del Monferrato. He was a long-time contributing editor of the Catholic Herald in London and was testimonial of the month of Italian culture in the Principality of Monaco.
Media outlets globally have lauded Paolo’s artistic vision, from The Los Angeles Press to RAI, from Lumieres Internationales to Corriere della Sera. His work continues to inspire audiences across borders, transcending linguistic and cultural boundaries.
Discover the world of Paolo Gambi, where poetry becomes a gateway to deeper understanding and connection.
To check what Italian media say about me read here
Summary of Professional skills and/or expertise
Paolo Gambi is an award winning multimedia artist, poet, author and journalist.
His motto is “poetry everywhere”.
A pioneer of bodypainting poetry, he writes poems on various types of material using various techniques, from mosaic to calligrams on parchment, and stages them on stages.
His works are exhibited in museums and cultural centres in many countries around the world.
He is one of the few in the world to perform bodypainting poetry.
He was one of the first five in the world to mint NFT poetry.
One of his NFTs was featured by a Stanford University project.
He was among the first in the Italian scene to engage with poetry and Artificial Intelligence.
He organizes artistic and poetic events, involving the most important voices in the global poetry scene. In 2024, he was the first to bring Nobel laureate Jon Fosse to Italy.
He is the founder of “Rinascimento poetico” (Poetry Renaissance), one of the main Italian networks of poets.
He sold more than 100.000 books, that have been translated into several languages
He lectured in Italy, Switzerland and Malta.
He organized many cultural events throughout the years.
He has received numerous awards, including the José Rizal Heritage Award in 2023, the Alloro di Dante in 2022, the Guidarello Prize for Authorial Journalism in 2012, the Rimini-Europe Prize in 2016, the San Domenichino in 2018, and the Loris Malaguzzi Poetry Prize in 2019. He has long been a contributing editor for the Catholic Herald in London and has served as an ambassador for Italian Culture Month in the Principality of Monaco. Awarded by the Perspektif Kültür association in Turkey, he is an academic of the Studium of Casale and Monferrato.
He is often involved by Italian and international media to talk about poetry, art and music
Fields of expertise: poetry, contemporary art, multimedia art, digital art, NFT, AI art, writing, literature, music, networking, journalism (both written and tv), blogging, teaching, communication, social media, public speaking, mental coaching, emotional coaching, motivation, psychology, religion, spirituality
- 2024 – Postgraduate Master degree in Decoration and Mosaic, Academy of Fine Arts in Ravenna
- 2013 – Bachelor of Psychology, University of Bologna-Cesena
- 2011 – Postgraduate Master in Neuro-Semantics with Prof. Michael L.Hall, Ph.D., International Institute of Neuro-Semantics
- 2007 – Postgraduate course in journalism, Pontifical Lateran University, Rome
- 2004 – Fellowship at the Acton Institute, Michigan, USA
- 2003-2006 – Ph.D. in Canon Law and Law and Religion in comparative perspective, University of Macerata
- 1999- 2003 – Degree in Law, University of Bologna. Mark: 110\110 cum laude
Artistic experiences
- Resident poet at the Climate Hub in Davos during the World Economic Forum, 20-24 january.
- King of Rwanda, Portrait of H.M. Yuhi VI, titular King of Rwanda, donated to him in Casale Monferrato, Italy.
- Bello: multimedia poetry, printed on dibond, in permanent exhibition at the Accademia del Bello in Poggio (LI).
- Italo: poetry on ceramic and QR code, in permanent exhibition at the Open Air Museum Italo Bolano, Portoferraio, Livorno.
- Poesia intrappolata (entrapped poem): parchment and resin, in permanent exhibition at Libreria Bocca, Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, Milan.
- Bellezza, Uno sguardo postcontemporaneo, Anarchia, Monarchia, Ghibellino: digital superimposed poetry, projected at the AI for Impact Night in DolderGrand, Zurich on 11-11-23.
- L’oro di Fibonacci (Fibonacci’s gold): multimedia poetry, resin and tesserae on wood, exhibited at the National Museum of Ravenna during the Mosaic Biennale.
- Sacra Follia (Sacred foolishness): multimedia poetry, printed on dibond, performed at the Triennale di Milano and acquired by the Municipality of Milan.
- Artistic Director of the poetry prize “ma non voglio veder morire la tua bellezza,” in collaboration with the Bevilacqua-La Masa Foundation, Venice (from 2023 to present).
- Johannes Capodistria: video poetry dedicated to Giovanni Capodistria, projected during the José Rizal Heritage Award ceremony in Wil, Switzerland.
- Montalto: multimedia poetry, printed on dibond, QR code, and video, acquired by the Municipality of Montalto delle Marche.
- Chimera: multimedia poetry, printed on dibond, QR code, and video, acquired by the Municipality of Brisighella.
- Ancona: multimedia poetry, printed on dibond, QR code, and video, acquired by the Municipality of Ancona.
- Una poesia per il Cardinale José Tolentino de Mendonça (a poem for Cardinal José Tolentino de Mendonça) : multimedia mosaic poetry, tesserae on wood, QR code, and video, donated to His Eminence Cardinal José Tolentino de Mendonça, Prefect of the Vatican Dicastery for Culture and Education.
- Primavera inaspettata di Tradizione (Unexpected spring of tradition): 3D video poetry projected at Palazzo Gozzani di Treville in Casale Monferrato during the Studium, Academy of Casale and Monferrato on May 12, 2023.
- Cattolicesimo dionisiaco-Dionysian Catholicism: digital calligram published as the cover of “The Los Angeles Press” magazine, Los Angeles.
- Poetry Performances at Libreria Bocca, Milan (from 2022 to present).
- Fibonacci: an NFT work selected by a project at Stanford University, California.
- Artistic Director of the poetry prize “L’alloro di Dante,” in collaboration with the Centro Dantesco, Ravenna (from 2022 to present).
- Poetry Performance at Casa Merini, Milan.
- Participation in the Elba Poetry Festival.
- Cicatrici preziose (Precious scarves): body painting poetry performance at Roma Alta Moda with Gabriella Carlucci, Micro Gallery, via Mazzini 1, Rome.
- Alassio: poetry on ceramic, acquired by the Municipality of Alassio and installed on the Muretto di Alassio.
- Babele, lo spettacolo: performed at the Festival della Cultura di Alassio.
- Poesia di luce (A poem of light): material poetry inside a mirror exhibited at the DDN Hub, Fuorisalone in Milan.
- Artistic Consultant for the company Luce5, Montevarchi.
- Weekly Poetry Live Streams on Libreriamo’s Instagram profile (from 2021 to present).
- Poetry Performances opening concerts of the Casadei Orchestra.
- Poetry Performances at the Elba Film Festival.
- Participation in the Culver City Poetry Festival (California).
- Babele, lo spettacolo: performed in Carpi at the San Rocco Auditorium.
- Artistic and Poetic Installations on the Romagna Riviera.
- Il colombo del Doge (Doge’s dove): acrylic poetry on papier-mâché, created for the Venice Carnival, in permanent exhibition at the Osteria del Colombo, Venice.
- Author of Exhibition Catalogue Texts for the contemporary art gallery ‘Marignana Arte,’ Venice.
- Terry: ink on paper, calligram donated to maestro Terry Gilliam.
2014 to present
- Curator of “dopo la prima” at the Masini Theater in Faenza and the Goldoni Theater in Bagnacavallo.
- Jury Member in the “Pubblica con noi” competition by Fara Editore, Rimini.
- Violin Concerts using the Suzuki method, in various Italian locations through the Verdi Institute of Ravenna.
Academic experiences
- 2024-2025 – Professor of Multimedia Communication at the New Technologies of Art course at the State Academy of Fine Arts in Ravenna.
- 2023 – Member of the Academic Council of the Fine Arts Academy of Ravenna
- 2022 to present – Online and offline poetry workshops
- 2017 – 2018 – Writing lecturer of “Law and ethics of art and communication” at MCAST, Malta
- 2016-2022 – Lecturing about writing and creative writing for Udemy
- 2012-2014 – Invited Professor of Communication (Theories and Ethics of Communication) at the Superior Institute for Religious Studies, Forlì, Italy
- 2013 Invited Professor of Religious Communication at Professor Maurizio Viroli’s chair, Università della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano, Switzerland
- 2003 – Teaching assistant of Canon Law, University of Bologna.
Summary of relevant journalistic experience
- 2024 – contributor of Mowmag
- 2018 to present – contributor and blogger at Il Giornale, Italy
- 2005-2020 – Contributing editor of The Catholic Herald, London
- 2012-2019 – Blogger of Huffingtonpost
- 2019 – Contributor of italiani.it
- 2009 to present – Contributor of many magazines: Stop and Vero (Italian gossip magazines), BMM (Italian fashion magazine), Chocolate and Rendezvous (Khazakhistan fashion magazines).
- 2016 – Editor of regional magazine “Sonoromagnolo”
- 2005 – 2014 Author and host of TV programs in Emilia-Romagna regional TV Tele1
- 2004-2013 – Employed as a journalist and columnist in a full time job at “La Voce di Romagna”, Ravenna.
- 2004 – Work experience at the Financial Times, London
- 2004 to present – Frequent appearances in Italian tv
- 2003 – Contributor of the newspaper “Il Giornale”, Roma.
- 2003 – Contributor of the newspaper “Il Resto del Carlino”, Ravenna and Bologna.
- 2001-2004 – Editor of the Italian regional weekly paper “La Romagna”.
- 1997- 2003 – Contributor of Ravenna provincial magazine “La Piazza”.
More than 30 books published by major publishers and more than 100.000 copies sold. Some books have been translated into English, Spanish, Portuguese, German, one into Chinese. Complete list here: www.paologambi.com/libri
Among them:
- 2024 – Una piuma nel buio, Amazon KDP.
- 2024 – Equilibri neoplatonici nel primo Giudizio universale e nella prima rappresentazione del diavolo nella storia nei mosaici di Sant’Apollinare Nuovo a Ravenna, on the way to be published on “Romagna, arte e storia”.
- 2023 – «Aut lux hic nata est…» Un’importante ekphrasis epigrafica a lungo ignorata nella Cappella di Sant’Andrea di Ravenna, in “Romagna, arte e storia”, 2023, Anno XLIII numero 124 / gennaio-aprile 2023.
- 2022 – Romano Volta, founder of Datalogic biography of the founder of Datalogic, world leader in barcode scanners.
- 2022 – Il Cantico delle creature (The Song of Creatures: Surrender to peace with mysteries, secrets and alchemy of the poetry of Saint Francis of Assisi that no one has ever told you)
- 2020 – La fabbricante di scuse (The excuses maker)
- 2020 – Il principe di Capraia (The Prince of Capraia)
- 2019 – Poesie. L’enigma del paguro. La memoria della magnolia. L’approdo del salmone (Poems. The riddle of the hermit crab. The memory of the magnolia. The landing place of the salmon)
- 2019 – Gusto selvaggio (“Wild taste”. A book of recipes of roe deer written with Michelin starred chef Igles Corelli)
- 2019 – Dei boni! (“Good gods!”. A funny novel about Greek mythology in present times for young adults)
- 2018 – La carezza del cavaliere (“A knight’s caress”, romance about the impossible love of the knights of Malta in present time and during the crusades)
- 2017 – Mammona (with Ettore Gotti Tedeschi, a funny book to teach how to become rich)
- 2017 – La spina nel cranio (psychological thriller about coaching and NLP, defined by media “The Italian version of Limitless”)
- 2017 – Giacomo Casanova: manuale per non finire tra le braccia di un come me (a self help book for women to find the right man). Translated into English as “Giacomo Casanova: how to find the one”.
- 2016 – Un mestiere del diavolo (Paolo Gambi interviews former IOR – Vatican Bank – President Ettore Gotti Tedeschi)
- 2014 – Smettila e sii felice, Sperling&Kupfer (Italian best seller about personal development).
- 2013 – Le Ragioni dell’altro, with Alessandro Cecchi Paone, Piemme, Mondadori Group (a dialogue between a believer and a non-believer).
- 2012 – Padre Pio, un Santo italiano, (a bestseller biography of St. Pius da Pietrelcina).
- 2012 – Il gusto della vita, with Cardinal Tonini, Piemme, Mondadori Group (I am Cardinal Tonini’s biographer and this is his only authorized biography).
- 2012 – Quello che i preti non dicono (più) – Duemila anni di linguaggio anticlericale nelle parole dei santi, Fede e Cultura (a book about anticlerical language of Saints and mystics along history).
- 2011 – Ho seguito il mio Maestro, with Prof. Alessandro Meluzzi, Piemme, Mondadori Group (A book about personal development and spirituality).
- 2010 – Ho visto e ho creduto, with Prof. Alessandro Meluzzi, Piemme, Mondadori Group (A book about personal development and spirituality).
- 2009 – L’infinito mi ha cercato with Prof. Alessandro Meluzzi, Piemme, Mondadori Group (a biography of prof. Meluzzi).
- 2009 – La ragione della speranza, with Cardinal Ersilio Tonini, Piemme, Mondadori Group.
- 2008 – San Pier Damiani, un romagnolo contento ne’ pensier contemplativi, La Voce publisher, Rimini (a biography of St. Peter Damian).
- 2008 – Democristiani a San Marino – Una storia di libertà, La Voce publisher, San Marino (a history of the main Saint Marin political party).
- 2008 – Profezie per l’ottimismo, with Cardinal Ersilio Tonini, Piemme, Mondadori Group.
- 2008 – Massoneria: una nuova primavera, Gangemi publishing, (a book about Freemasonry in Italy), translated into English in 2011 with the title “What is Freemasonry”.
- 2007 – I vip parlano di Dio, Piemme, Mondadori Group (a collection of interviews to celebrities who speak about their relation to spirituality).
- 2005 – The Universal Hunger for Liberty, by prof. Michael Novak (translator), Liberal publisher.
- 2004 – Cavalleria e Nobiltà nell’Ordinamento Canonico vigente, cenni minimi, published in Apollinaris, 3-4, 2004
- 2004 – La Soberana Militar Orden de Malta en el orden jurìdico eclesial y internacional published in Ius Canonicum, Pamplona.
Main awards
- 2024 – Paul Harris Fellow
- 2023 – José Rizal Heritage Award, Wil, Switerland
- 2023 – Academician of the Studium Academy of Casale Monferrato for Art, Literature, History, Science and Various Humanity Studies
- 2023 – Silver Cross of the Order of Merit of Savoy
- 2022 – Dante’s laurel, Ravenna, at Dante’s tomb
- 2022 – Perspektif Kültür Turkish association’s poetry award (Turkey)
- 2019 – Malaguzzi Poetry award, 1st prize, Reggio Emilia, Italy
- 2018 – San Domenichino literary bronze award, Massa, Tuscany, Italy
- 2016 – Rimini-Europa “Diploma d’Onore” award (biennial culture award).
- 2016 – Paul Harris Fellow and President founder of Rotary e-club “Romagna”.
- 2014 – Appointed “Testimonial of Italian Culture Month in Principality of Monaco” by Italian Ambassador.
- 2012 – Winner of “Guidarello” journalistic award (2nd most important Italian journalistic award)
- 2004 – Fellowship at the Acton Institute, Michigan, USA
- 2003 – TFAVS Conference in Putten (Netherlands)
- 2003 – Knight of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George
Other work experiences
- 2018-2019 – Owner of the luxury restaurant ‘Mosaico’ at Malta Union Club, Sliema, Malta
- 2014 – 2016 – Mental Coach at Italian Tennis Federation and at San Marino Tennis Academy
- 2012 – 2016 – Mental Coach and Writing Coach
- 2008 to present – Organizer of many cultural events: “BBK un mare di libri” (beach bookfest, Ravenna), fiera del libro di Cervia (bookfest, Cervia), il salotto di Milano Marittima (cultural meetings, Milano Marittima)
- Mother tongue: Italian
- Other languages: fluent English (I have studied, regularly written for British magazines, taken conferences in English), minimal German, Spanish, Portuguese. Latin, Hebrews and ancient Greek.